lauantai 20. elokuuta 2016

The Fort, Part II

Welcome back! I've now managed to proceed further with my fort after I've got (hopefully) all the necessary pieces cast in plaster of Paris. I had added the floor planks earlier (made from coffee cup stirrers) and it was rather tedious work, but made in one evening at least. Today I sanded the slopes down using a power sander. You could probably achieve the same with a styrofoam cutter and a bit of hand sanding finish, but as I was lazy and already had the tools, I chose the messier option.

Here's the simple mock-up fort with all the different types of pieces with their planks glued in place and the slopes sanded.

Adding the abattis.

Now that the walls are sloped and the abattis added, I could get a clearer picture what the fort will look like when it's complete. I hope this will qualify as "sufficiently large" for a decent siege scenario.

Gluing the plaster cast pieces in place. Especially the gabion walls needed fitting, but luckily they clipped rather nicely just by applying some force, when the cut was vertical. For horizontal cuts I used a small hacksaw. The problem with my pieces is that I made the originals slightly too low (or the walls too high), so I need to fill out the holes with filler and sand later.

So here were today's accomplishments. I will probably post part number three when I start painting the bugger.

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